Friday, February 11, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Sure miss the 'ol homestead.
It's always hard to believe we actually don't live
there anymore.
There's memories that I will {never ever} forget there!


  1. Hi Sarah!

    I saw that you've started following our blog "His Princesses"... it's nice to 'meet' you!☺
    Please feel free to offer any suggestions/ comments you have for H.P.-- feedback is welcome.

    You've got a nice blog-- and beautiful pictures... you're definitely talented in this way. Thanks for sharing.

    God bless you, sister♥

  2. know how you feel Sarah,there is just something about a place that was "home" that no other place can compare to! Well, here on earth anyways! Love you hon~

  3. Wow!! You sure are talented to take pictures. Very nice photography.
