Sunday, November 28, 2010

Giving Thanks

Together again!
It seems like time just goes by way too fast!
I feel like Erik and Julie just came in the door, and here it's been 2 days since they've gone back to california! Was so great to have them here, so we could all be together for Thanksgiving.
One of my favorite things is hearing all the funny and always crazy stories from way back "in the day" as we benson's call it. And as my dear sister AnnMarie will faithfully remind me "BEFORE YOU WERE BORN SARAH".
Well, there was a time that I actually was born- And I can add a few things of my own in there too! LOL
The most funniest thing is seeing Mom and Dad's reaction to a "happening" they've never been told about! Thats just great! Or maybe its memory loss on one of our parts.
There's been many changes since "back in the day"...
But it sure was nice to have all of us sit around the table again, or huddle together for a fam picture!
Last sunday was our first "real" snow.
It didn't come as a surprise, but I thought I would take a snap

Shalom started to crawl THANKSGIVING DAY!
It was so exciting to see! She sure picked the perfect time to start-
With all of us around!
After all the excitment from starting to crawl
Shalom fell asleep in Julie's arms.
"aunt sarah! Your boots are just a little big for me!"
My little cowGirl!

Grandpa & Grandma
Julie and shalom
Erik and Julie have this really NICE camera...Made me think I should consider upgrading soon!
Dad was maybe a little to relaxed here.
Some of us went to Alvin & AnnMarie's one afternoon, and then later in the evening, once I got off work, the rest of us came.
We spent a while just singing and playing instruments...
instruments consisting of mandalin, guitars piano, and violins.
Was alot of fun!

"aunt Julie" and shalomy
Erik and Me
Mom and AnnMarie
Yes...this is only a GLIMPSE of what Thanksgiving is like in a kitchen.
I think you'll agree.
I think the picture is enough said
Julie and Mom
The best brotherN'law in the whole wide world!
I love you Alvin!
sharing loves'
Shalom loves playing with hair...Yes even her own. LOL
Okay Shalom...maybe a little tense there!
"everything okay Uncle Kelly?"
Erik on his guitar
Kelly on his guitar
watching family video's from "back in the day".


  1. Love every one of them! HOw sweet to be together!Thanks for posting
    Love you!
    Aunt Rachaelle

  2. Aww Sarah you did a fabulous job on all the pictures!!! I LOVE them!!! And i love ya'll!!!! <3

  3. Love the pix! Wow! How everyone has changed!! =) Look like you had a great time with your family! I am so happy for you that you were able to have your whole family there!! I don't know the feeling yet with not having everyone there for a holiday but I am sure it was great to bring back ALL those memories!
    Thanks for sharing the pix!!

  4. I love this Sarah!! Thanks for posting all these pictures ... they are so great! We had a WONDERFUL time and miss you all already!!
    P.S. I didn't know you took that picture of our license plate ... I love it!
